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Services Provided in Our North Texas IOP
Mental Health IOP Groups
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Mood Disorders
- Personality Disorders
- Relationship Conflicts
- Family/Boundary Conflicts
- Dual Diagnosis/ Co-occurring Disorders
- Suicidal Ideation/Attempts
- Eating Disorders
- Process Addictions (Gaming, Gambling, etc…)
- Sexual Addiction (Problematic/Out of Control Sexual Behavior)
- Pornography Addiction
- Crisis Management
Alcohol and Substance Abuse IOP Groups
- Chemical Dependency
- Alcoholism
- Opioids Addictions
- Cannabis Dependency
- Methamphetamine Use
- Relapse Prevention
Psycho-educational IOP Groups
- Truancy
- Mindfulness
- Distorted or Irrational Thinking
- Interpersonal and Social Skills
- Spirituality & Wellness
- Assertive Training
- Self-Esteem
- Grief, Bereavement, and Loss
- Conflict Resolution
- Anger Management (Feminist Sensitivity Training)
- Parent-Child Relationship Therapy